Hydro-morphometric characterization and management of a large subtropical coastal wetland (Norte Fluminense, Brazil)

作者: Édson Avelar Guimarães , Paula Debiase , Björn Kjerfve , Mauricio Molisani



摘要: Large coastal wetlands usually consist of diverse geomorphological and hydrological units across continental, coastal, and marine zones. Management focuses on controlling the hydraulic systems. This study proposes hydro-morphometric characterization and management strategies for large complex coastal wetlands based on the coastal plain of the northern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Our classification high-lights the complexity of these systems, which have been described as inland, marine-coastal and/or man-made wetlands. The delimitation was characterized by the flat to low relief, which comprises 52% of the area studied. The maintenance of the hydro-morphometric features of a wetland system and the operation of the seaward floodgates are fundamental strategies for the management of the system. In addition, a national park plays a key role in implementing management strategies and protecting not only macrohabitat, but also the water connectivity along the margins of the wetland. The occasional opening of the sandbar, connecting coastal lagoons to the coastal ocean, can disrupt water connectivity, and demands the implementation of effective management protocols.
