作者: Sheila Alcantara Llaguno , Inga Nazarenko , Yuntao Chen , Daochun Sun , Brian Gudenas
摘要: To determine the role of microRNA regulation in brain tumor development, we incorporated a conditional allele of the microRNA processing enzyme Dicer to a glioma mouse model based on inactivation of the tumor suppressors Nf1, Trp53, and Pten using the Nestin-creERT 2 transgene. Loss of Dicer and tumor suppressors at adult ages led to glioma development; however, mutant mice tamoxifen induced at early postnatal ages developed medulloblastoma (MB) instead of glioma. The switch in tumor spectrum occurred with 100% penetrance and the cerebellar tumors were histologically indistinguishable from human MB. The minimum genetic mutations required for MB formation were Dicer1 and Trp53, while additional loss of Pten produced more invasive tumors with leptomeningeal metastasis. Analysis of tumor transcriptome and MB subtype-specific markers show that Dicer tumors most resemble human Sonic …