Conceptual Design of a Small-and Wide-angle Neutron Scattering Diffractometer/Spectrometer for the Second Target Station of the SNS: Centaur

作者: S Qian , W Heller , WR Chen , C Do , A Christianson



摘要: Centaur is an instrument specifically designed and optimized for construction at the Second Target Station (STS) of the SNS at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. As a simultaneous small-and wide-angle neutron scattering (SANS and WANS) instrument with a large dynamic range in reciprocal space, it is optimized to cover length scales from interatomic distances (diffraction) to hundreds of nanometers (small-angle scattering). The design simultaneously provides a high flux and a broad wavelength band as a result of the time-of-flight neutron source at the STS. Further, it can be used as a direct geometry spectrometer for probing the dynamics of relatively large length-scale structures. Centaur will fill a capability gap among the current instruments at ORNL by enabling in situ and operando experiments for kinetic and/or out-of-equilibrium studies of phenomena with time-resolution in seconds in soft matter, polymer …
