Let's get high: Cladogenesis in freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Potamonautidae: Potamonautes) supports the mountain gradient speciation hypothesis in the Cape Fold and Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa

作者: Savel R Daniels , Nasreen Peer , Angus Macgregor Myburgh , Aaron Barnes , Sebastian Klaus



摘要: During the present study, the evolutionary relationship within a clade of mountain clade of freshwater crabs (Potamonautes) was examined using mtDNA sequence data for species from the Cape Fold Mountain (CFM) and Great Escarpment (Drakensberg Mountain range). We undertook phylogenetic analyses, divergence time estimation, and an ancestral area reconstruction to explore the period of cladogenesis and understand the biogeographic history in this high‐altitude clade. Furthermore, we applied four species delimitation methods using ASAP, bPTP, bGMYC, and STACEY on the latter clade. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses retrieved a monophyletic freshwater crab clade comprised of two major sister clades, one comprised of the Cape Fold (clade A) and two comprised of Drakensberg Mountains (clade B) species. Divergence time estimation indicated that the two clades underwent Mio/Pliocene …
