作者: Luis Jhony Caucha Morales , Stefan Frei , Obidio Rubio Mercedes , Alexis Rodriguez Carranza
摘要: The dynamics of gas transport in the alveolar sacs is generated by respirati on mechanisms, and so is the gas distribution and gases exchange with the cardiovascular system. The analysis was made with a mathematical model using the Galerkin method and existence and uniqueness of weak solutions in the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) coordinates was proven. Numerical simulations were made with finite element methods on a moving domain using the Local projection Stabilization (LPS) for pressure stabilization. The estimations showed that the energy dissipation for the fluid is a conseq uence of the moving domain and the fluid properties. In conclusion, energy dissipation for the gas concentration was produced whe n the domain deformation is greater than a constant depending on the coefficients of solubility and diffusion of the gas.