18F-FDG micro-PET imaging for research investigations in the Octopus vulgaris: applications and future directions in invertebrate neuroscience and tissue regeneration

作者: Letizia Zullo , Ambra Buschiazzo , Michela Massollo , Mattia Riondato , Alessia Democrito



摘要: This study aimed at developing a method for administration of 18F-Fludeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) in the common octopus and micro-positron emission tomography (micro-PET) bio-distribution assay for the characterization of glucose metabolism in body organs and regenerating tissues. Methods Seven animals (two with one regenerating arm) were anesthetized with 3.7% MgCl2 in artificial seawater. Each octopus was injected with 18-30 MBq of isosmotic 18F-FDG by accessing the branchial heart or the anterior vena cava. After an uptake time of ~50 minutes, the animal was sacrificed, placed on a bed of a micro-PET scanner and submitted to 10 min static 3-4 bed acquisitions to visualize the entire body. To confirm the interpretation of images, internal organs of interest were collected. The level of radioactivity of each organ was counted with a γ-counter. Results Micro-PET scanning documented a good 18F-FDG …
