A Proposal of Cognitive Classification of Electronic Games

作者: Alex FV Machado , Ismael A Batista , Marlon C Santiago , Rafael R Padovani , Bruno G Soares



摘要: The video game industry is one of the largest in the world and has entered into a process of expansion, exceeding the billion dollar movie industry in terms of revenue, according to the Electronic Magazine [Tecmundo 2011]. Most people who play electronic games do simply for pleasure or as a way to pass the time. However they do not know the potential of such an act, for example, health benefits [Barthelemy 2009], the individual training [GRACE 2005] and development of cognitive functions [Griffiths 2002].According to [Manual da Nova Classificação Indicativa 2006], indicating the classification criteria are established based on research and debate, based on the Country’s Federal Constitution and the Statute of Children and Adolescents. This article presents a proposal for classification of the main cognitive models based on the analysis of the genres of games.
