作者: Tiago Augusto Moreira , DongHwi Lee , Mark H Anderson
摘要: First of a kind high spatial and temporal resolution temperature measurements of Pressurized Water Reactor and Boiling Water Reactor simulated fuel pins (high heat flux cosine profile heaters) in annular rod type geometry during nucleate boiling, departure from nucleate boiling and re-wetting has been performed. Distributed fiber optic measurements of the cladding axial temperature with spatial resolutions down to 2.5 mm axially at up to three equally spaced azimuthal locations per rod have demonstrated the similarities and differences of the different accident tolerant fuel cladding materials. These experiments show the performance of accident tolerant cladding with a precise measurement of the location and evolution of dryout followed by the re-wetting phenomena (see supplementary time history of a critical heat flux event). Experimental parameters varied coolant mass fluxes from 1695 to 2712 kg/m2s …