作者: Lei Shi , Carolyn Dawson , James Mackrill , Elisavet Dimitrokali , Rebecca Cain
摘要: This paper reports on a study assessing the use of a digital co-design method for use in hospital design. Here we present findings on users' perceptions towards ease of use and behavioural intention of using a digital co-design method in comparison with using a paper-based co-design method. The study was conducted in a simulated hospital ward. The results showed that participants found limitations with the current iteration of digital method negatively affected their perceptions regarding ease of use compared to the paper-based method. However, behavioural intention showed a positive trend towards future selection of digital-based methods over paper-based methods. Future work will look in depth at what features of the digital method require improvement to enhance perceptions of ease of use in order to respond to end-user behavioural intentions.