作者: Jennifer Fugate , Christine D Wilson-Mendenhall
摘要: 292 Jennifer MB Fugate and Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall2006), participants who produced facial expressions (or bodily postures) that corresponded with specific emotions (ie, anger, sadness, fear, and happiness) reported having higher emotional feelings for the specific emotion compared with other emotions. 2 In another study, participants who had their cheeks lifted, rated themselves as feeling happier, whereas when participants had their cheeks lowered, they rated themselves as feeling sadder (Mori & Mori, 2009). Similarly, voluntary production of facial movements associated with an emotion can produce changes in physiological parameters such as heart rate, skin conductance, finger temperature, and muscle tension associated with that emotion (Levenson et al., 1990).Body posture is also thought to cause an embodied experience. In one study, participants who received positive feedback on a test …