Experiential Avoidance During Mealtimes Among Individuals with Eating Disorders

作者: Claire E Cusack , Rowan A Hunt , Jesse Rae , Caroline Christian , Cheri A Levinson



摘要: The relationship between negative emotions and avoidance is widely theorized as a bidirectional cycle implicated in a range of psychopathology. Historically, research on this cycle has examined one type of negative emotion: anxiety. Yet, a broader range of internal experiences may be implicated in the maintenance of unhealthy avoidance cycles in psychopathology. This study examines prospective relationships among anxiety, guilt, physical discomfort, and experiential avoidance during mealtimes for individuals with eating disorders (EDs). Participants (N = 108) completed ecological momentary assessments four times a day for 25 days. We computed multilevel models to examine between- and within-person effects of negative emotions and physical discomfort on experiential avoidance. When including guilt and anxiety in one model, guilt, but not anxiety, explained significant variance in experiential avoidance …
