Validation of a serum ELISA test for cyathostomin infection in equines

作者: Kirsty L Lightbody , Andrew Austin , Peter A Lambert , Georg von Samson-Himmelstjerna , Laura Jürgenschellert



摘要: Cyathostomins are ubiquitous equine nematodes. Infection can result in larval cyathostominosis due to mass larval emergence. Although faecal egg count (FEC) tests provide estimates of egg shedding, these correlate poorly with burden and provide no information on mucosal/luminal larvae. Previous studies describe a serum IgG(T)-based ELISA (CT3) that exhibits utility for detection of mucosal/luminal cyathostomins. Here, this ELISA is optimised/validated for commercial application using sera from horses for which burden data were available. Optimisation included addition of total IgG-based calibrators to provide standard curves for quantification of antigen-specific IgG(T) used to generate a CT3-specific ‘serum score’ for each horse. Validation dataset results were then used to assess the optimised test’s performance and select serum score cut-off values for diagnosis of burdens above 1000, 5000 and 10,000 …
