作者: Michael Brown , Ian Wong , Joshua Emery , Audrey Martin , Richard Binzel
摘要: The Lucy mission will perform the first ever exploration of the Jupiter Trojan asteroids, small bodies in two vast swarms trapped at the Lagrange points leading and trailing the orbit of Jupiter. At an identical orbital distance as Jupiter, the Trojan asteroids are balanced precisely on the edge between the inner and outer solar system and hold important clues to the evolution of the entire planetary system. In the classical picture of solar system evolution, the Trojans formed in place or on the outer edge of the asteroid belt and bear a genetic connection to the inner solar system. The newer dynamical instabilty hypotheses, in contrast, posit a drastically different scenario in which the Trojans originated in a vast primordial disk of icy planetesimals beyond the giant planets and were later scattered inward and captured into resonance during a chaotic restructuring of the giant planets' orbits. In this hypothesis, the Trojans …