作者: Flavia Marino , Liliana Ruta , David Vagni , Gennaro Tartarisco , Antonio Cerasa
摘要: The RAADS-R is an 80-item scale specifically designed to assist clinicians diagnosing AD in adults 18 years and older. It contains a total of 80 questions. Sixty-four short questions identify symptomatic behaviors that are scored on a fourpoint Likert scale that takes into account developmental factors (true now and when I was young= 3, true only now= 2, true only when I was younger than 16 years old= 1, and never true= 0). It also contains 17 non-symptomatic questions that are scored in reverse order (true now and when I was young= 0, true only now= 1, true only when I was younger than 16 years old= 2, and never true= 3). These 16 questions are identified on the scale by an asterisk next to their question number.