作者: Marco S Fabus , Andrew J Quinn , Catherine E Warnaby , Mark W Woolrich
摘要: Neurophysiological signals are often noisy, nonsinusoidal, and consist of transient bursts. Extraction and analysis of oscillatory features (such as waveform shape and cross-frequency coupling) in such data sets remains difficult. This limits our understanding of brain dynamics and its functional importance. Here, we develop iterated masking empirical mode decomposition (itEMD), a method designed to decompose noisy and transient single-channel data into relevant oscillatory modes in a flexible, fully data-driven way without the need for manual tuning. Based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD), this technique can extract single-cycle waveform dynamics through phase-aligned instantaneous frequency. We test our method by extensive simulations across different noise, sparsity, and nonsinusoidality conditions. We find itEMD significantly improves the separation of data into distinct nonsinusoidal oscillatory …