作者: Rhonda Owen , Ian G Barr , Andrew Pengilley , Conan Liu , Bev Paterson
摘要: The year 2007 saw the most severe influenza season since national reporting of influenza began in 2001. Early in the season the National Incident Room was activated to provide effective national surveillance, reporting and management of the 2007 seasonal influenza outbreak. A surveillance team were tasked with establishing enhanced surveillance for the 2007 season and investigating unusual events in this outbreak. Key data required to comprehensively describe the number of cases, morbidity, mortality and virology of the influenza outbreak and the possible sources of these data were identified. In 2007 the number of laboratory-confirmed notifications for influenza was 3.1 times higher than the five-year mean. Forty-four per cent of notifications occurred in Queensland. High notification rates were reflected in an increase in presentations with influenza-like illness to sentinel general practices and Emergency Departments. Notifications and notification rates were highest in the 0–4 and 5–9 years age groups, possibly due to a bias towards testing in these age groups. The clinical morbidity of the infection in terms of complications or most affected groups cannot be determined but anecdotal reports indicate this season may have impacted young adults more than is usual. The available data suggest influenza has caused a significant burden on workplaces and the health care system as indicated by data on absenteeism and presentations for health care. The proportion of H1 strains of influenza circulating varied across Australia but was higher than 2006 in most jurisdictions. In 2007, 1,406 influenza isolates from Australia were antigenically …