作者: John Tolsma , Stefano Larentis , Emanuel Tutuc , Allan MacDonald
摘要: Electron-electron interactions often have opposite influences on thermodynamic properties of electrons in graphene compared to conventional two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs), for example by lowering charge and spin-susceptibilities in the graphene case and enhancing them in the ordinary 2DEG case. In ordinary 2DEGs the charge susceptibility diverges at a finite carrier density, below which the compressibility becomes negative. We theoretically explore the influence of this qualitative difference on how charge is partitioned between a MoS 2 and a graphene sheet 2DEG when they act as a compound capacitor electrode. Our theory is based on a random phase approximation for charge fluctuations in the 2DEGS and the coupling constant formulation for the ground state energy. We find that in the ideal case the MoS 2 2DEG carrier density jumps immediately to a finite value when it is initially populated …