作者: Janneke ML Kuiper , Pascal Borry , Danya F Vears , Hilde Van Esch , Ine Van Hoyweghen
摘要: This study explores the different manifestations and navigations of uncertainty in the practice of diagnostic next‐generation sequencing (NGS) testing. Drawing upon multi‐sited fieldwork conducted at a large Centre for Human Genetics in Belgium, we analyse how uncertainty takes shape and is managed in the different steps of the diagnostic process: starting from the testing offer, to the analysis in the lab, the multidisciplinary team meetings (MDTs) and ending with the consultation with the patient. Building on interviews with genetic healthcare professionals and their patients and observations in consultations and MDTs, our empirical work underlines the duality of uncertainty as both burdensome and productive. Building on the existing literature on uncertainty in medicine and NGS, our analysis shows the ontological politics at play in the everyday uncertainty work in this CHG. We show how the, at times, contrasting …