作者: Dena Monique Fam , Ronlyn Duncan , Melissa Robson-Williams , Zoe Sofoulis



摘要: Background ‘climatic’conditions here include the lower status and much smaller research funding base for the humanities and social sciences, and the tendency of governments and industry to favour technical and scientific forms of knowledge over the cultural intelligence of societal actors which is critically needed to find solutions that are both feasible and socially acceptable. The authors’ cumulative years of experience in designing, delivering and managing TD projects in collaboration with diverse actors across industrial sectors and disciplinary fields suggests that these hegemonic contextual factors have the potential to constrain successful integration. In a conventional problem-centred approach, STEM experts define and identify the problem, and trial and propose a solution, bring other disciplines onto the team as needed, and perhaps at the end commission a bit of social research to help find out how to implement their solution. A knowledge ecologies approach not only encourages a diversity of knowledges and communities of knowers to get together at the outset to scope and define the problem (or more likely, cluster of related problems), but it can explore a range of responses and roles different interest groups might have in exploring or implementing solutions. There is no need to reduce everything down to a single ‘silver bullet’or ‘one size fits all’response.Vignettes and examples of how the knowledge ecologies framework has been used by the authors in projects/workshops in Australia, New Zealand and Alaska will provide a way of grounding the concept of ‘interaction’in practice. Insights are offered on how the framework might be …
