A disturbing story: The fiction of rationality in land use planning in Aboriginal Australia

作者: Sue Jackson



摘要: A ustralian planners, Hedgcock, Hillier and Wood, assert that planning has long appreciated the political nature of its theory and practice:" The idea of a neutral planning system which stands above the particular interests and conflicts of society has been increasingly challenged since the 1960s with diverse insurgent campaigns and movements responding to the fiction of bureaucratic impartiality"(Hedgcock, Hillier et al. 1991 p 222). Indeed, the American planning theorist, Alexander, is certain that contemporary planners (both theorists and practitioners) recognise the shift that has occurred in planning theory:" There is no argument today among theorists, and little among practitioners, that planning is other than normative and political. The'old'planning pretending to'objective'and'scientific'rationality, technocratic expertise and central authority, has been passe... for at least twenty years"(Alexander 1994 p 374). Yet in …
