摘要: ‘The 1990s [were] quintessentially the decade of strategic planning’(Hamnett, 2000, p. 182). This resurgence of metropolitan planning in particular resulted from several factors. One was the need for governments to enhance city competitiveness under intensified globalisation via public-private partnerships, city marketing and other entrepreneurial activities (Hall & Hubbard, 1998; Healey et al, 1995), and for a broad framework cum prospectus for these. Related to this was the ideological preference for smaller government (Hamnett, 2000, p. 169), and the consequent imperative to produce efficiencies within government via strategic frameworks which could guide inter-agency coordination and produce infrastructure economies. Increasing public concerns about the environment also demanded a strategic planning response, especially in terms of the extent to which this challenged economic competitiveness (Vigar …