作者: Konstantin Stadler , Richard Wood , Nina Eisenmenger SEC , Michaela C Theurl SEC
摘要: Multi-regional input-output projects (such as EXIOPOL-Tukker, Poliakov et al. 2009) increasingly include the theoretical and fragmented national accounting projects into a systematic international framework of environmental and economic accounts, and such work now covers in the order of over 50 energy carriers, 28 emission types, 48 types of resources, 3 land types, and 3 types of water extraction (Tukker et al. 2009). The CREEA project (www. creea. eu) looked at extending and updating the database so that more timely analysis is possible, but also add physical supply and use tables to the database so that waste and recycling efforts are captured. More recently, Eurostat produced an integrated SUT/IOT time series for the EU27 that includes it NAMEA Air (around 8 air emissions). All these efforts have limitations:• EXIOPOL and CREEA are global databases but do not consist of time series• The EUROSTAT data aggregates data for the EU only and has limited extensionsIn this report, the core of the work effort goes into using the snapshots of environmental and economic activity to create time series of EE IO data, where it seems most logical to use the extensive EXIOPOL and CREEA results as a basis. By so doing, we can begin to analyse resource efficiency across long time series, from both the production and consumption perspectives, by producing industry, and by final product. Whilst other frameworks to input-output analysis can give partial information, particularly on the production side, no other framework can give the systematic analysis required for incorporating life-cycle approaches to analyse resource efficiency of final outputs of …