作者: L Ryan , M Mathieson , T Dwyer , M Edwards , L Harris
摘要: This research was designed to assess the operational effectiveness of Biogeographical Ancestry (BGA) and Externally Visible Characteristics (EVCs) Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) for criminal cases. Engaging with end users to assess new DNA technology is a novel approach for Queensland, and considered necessary given the investment required to develop this capability. Detectives were presented with MPS intelligence from four real Queensland criminal cases in a workshop setting, and were asked to assess its utility. Detectives were also asked to determine whether they could use the MPS intelligence to prioritize (include/exclude) persons of interest (POIs). The results from this research showed the detectives had confidence in MPS intelligence and its value in providing avenues for investigation. There was a high rate of correct interpretation and use of the MPS results; however, the frequency of …