International comparison of energy efficiency improvement in the cement industry

作者: Ernst Worren , Rob Smitb , Dian Phylipsenb , Kornelis Blokb , Frank van der VleutenC



摘要: Energy savings in the cement industry can be achieved by energy efficiency improvement, and by increased production of blended cements, which reduce the demand for energy intensive clinker. The analysis of selected countries in the DECO, Eastern Europe and Latin America, showed that large differences exist in potentials of energy savings and CO2 emission reductions. The potential energy savings by energy efficiency improvement vary from 0 to 57% and through production of blended cements vary from 0 to 25%. The total potential reduction of primary energy consumption varies from 4 to 62%, while the potential reduction of (process and energy related) CO2 emissons varies from 3 to 42%. The differences are caused by the efficiency of the plants, current structure of the industry and the availability of indigenous additives to blend the cements. The differences between countries in the potentials of both measures show that, although total potentia] savings in countries may be comparable, different strategies should be applied for cost-effective implementation.
