作者: Ch Breyer , Ch Birkner , F Kersten , A Gerlach , J Ch Goldschmidt
摘要: Research and Development (R&D) is a major driving force for constant cost reduction in photovoltaics (PV) and consequently an enabler for a fast diffusion of PV. To prove this, long-term PV market diffusion phases and updated learning curve data is presented. Energy R&D of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is discussed in respect to renewable energy sources (RES) in general and PV in particular. For estimating current and global historic cumulated PV R&D investments a bottom-up analysis of more than 100 PV companies and a top-down analysis based on international PV patents is presented. Current annual public and corporate PV R&D investments are estimated to be about 500 m€ and 3,000–6,000 m€, respectively. Global historic cumulated public and corporate PV R&D investment is estimated to be about 9 and 35–41 bn€, respectively. Annual growth rates of R&D investments of public listed companies focussed on PV are about 40%. This has and will generate ongoing evolutionary and fast market diffusion. Considering this, PV R&D investments seem to be a very inexpensive pathway for energy security compared to nuclear energy R&D and major public funded technological or energy related military projects.