Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B

作者: AN Prabhu , Pramoda Kumara Shetty , Indudhar Panduranga Vali , Hemanth Kumar , Sowmyasree Udupa



摘要: A facility for continuously monitoring the thermal and elastic performance of materials under exposure to ion beam irradiation has been designed and commissioned. By coupling an all-optical, non-contact, non-destructive measurement technique known as transient grating spectroscopy (TGS) to a 6 MV tandem ion accelerator, bulk material properties may be measured at high fidelity as a function of irradiation exposure and temperature. Ion beam energies and optical parameters may be tuned to ensure that only the properties of the ion-implanted surface layer are interrogated. This facility provides complementary capabilities to the set of facilities worldwide which have the ability to study the evolution of microstructure in situ during radiation exposure, but lack the ability to measure bulk-like properties. Here, the measurement physics of TGS, design of the experimental facility, and initial results using both light and heavy ion exposures are described. Finally, several short-and longterm upgrades are discussed which will further increase the capabilities of this diagnostic.
