Dimensions selection criteria of stair-shaped slot for obtaining the wideband response of CPDRA

作者: Gaurav Varshney , Shailza Gotra , Rakesh Singh , VS Pandey , RS Yaduvanshi



摘要: The analysis of a circularly polarised (CP) dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) with the aperture coupled feeding technique is presented in this paper. Until now, the random techniques have been developed for obtaining the CP response in DRA. It is glaringly required to develop a fixed mathematical criterion for the selection of dimensions of the antenna structure. The criterion for selection of the stair-shaped slot dimensions, which is utilised for obtaining the CP response, is defined in this paper. The ranges of slot length ratios are investigated so that a wide CP bandwidth can be obtained. The antenna offers the 10-dB impedance bandwidth of 58.62 per cent (4.1 GHz-7.5 GHz) and 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of 40.86 per cent (4.26 GHz-6.385 GHz).
