作者: Beate Krause , Mandy Mende , Gudrun Petzold , Petra Pötschke
摘要: For the effective use of carbon nanotubes (CNT) excellent distribution and dispersion are essential preconditions. Among the parameters determining the dispersion the dispersability of the CNT materials is of main influence. This quality was assessed studying the sedimentation behavior of CNT under centrifugal forces dispersed in aqueous surfactant solutions at different ultrasonication treatment times using a LumiSizer® apparatus. Different industrial available multiwalled CNT, namely Baytubes® C150P, Nanocyl® NC7000, Arkema Graphistrength® C100, and FutureCarbon CNT-MW showing quite different kinetics were compared. In addition, the particle size distributions were analyzed using dynamic light scattering (ZetaSizer) and centrifugal separation analysis (CSA).