Modeling the solvation and acidity of carboxylic acids using an ab initio deep neural network potential

作者: Abhinav S Raman , Annabella Selloni



摘要: Formic and acetic acid constitute the simplest of carboxylic acids, yet they exhibit fascinating chemistry in the condensed phase such as proton transfer and dimerization. The go-to method of choice for modeling these rare events have been accurate but expensive ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. In this study, we present a deep neural network potential trained using accurate ab initio data that can be used in tandem with enhanced-sampling methods to perform an efficient exploration of the free-energy surface of aqueous solutions of weak carboxylic acids. In particular, we show that our model captures proton dissociation and provides a good estimate of the pKa, as well as the dimerization of formic and acetic acid. This provides a suitable starting point for applications in different research areas where computational efficiency coupled with the accuracy of ab initio methods is required.
