Laminar Burning Velocities of Methane-air Mixtures at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures

作者: Robin John Varghese , Harshal Kolekar , B Aravind , Sudarshan Kumar



摘要: The depletion of fossil fuels and stringent emission norms are leading combustion research in the direction of environment-friendly alternatives for power generation and transportation. Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle (IGCC), power plants for electricity, aim in the reduction of the carbonaceous emissions and NOx emissions by using Carbon Capture Storage technique and lean premixed combustion respectively. Recently, IGCC using natural gas has gained more attention due to the clean burning of these gaseous fuels compared to the producer gas mixtures used widely. Natural gas reserves are abundant and have untapped potential in meeting the power demand as well as in internal combustion engines with better emission control. Land-based gas turbine engines for power generation could attain better performance with natural gas.For understanding the fundamental combustion characteristics in terms of ignition delay, flame propagation speed, flame instabilities, and dynamic behaviors, methane is extensively used. Burning velocity or flame speed is one such property that has been studied in detail that gives the overall reaction rate of the fuel-air mixture as a concise entity. Laminar burning velocity in conjunction with the ignition delay characteristics is used for validation of detailed chemical kinetic schemes. Laminar burning velocity is one of the critical parameters that determine flashback and lift off.
