The albatross and the fish: linked lives in the open seas (book review)

作者: Michelle A. Kappes



摘要: Incidental catch of albatrosses is particularly problematic in bluefin tuna and Patagonian toothfish fisheries due to their overlapping distributions, and the authors empha-size the strong link between management of these fisheries and albatross conservation. The Albatross, which covers the history of human impacts, early research, and natural history of albatrosses; Crossings, which outlines international law and policy relevant to albatrosses and the exploitation of the ocean commons; Birds and Fish, which provides an overview of fisheries management and albatross population declines due to bycatch in industrialized fisheries; Sea Change, which details efforts to reduce bycatch through policy initiatives, mitigation measures, and collab-orative activities; and Agents of Change, which describes how fishers, governments, nongovern-mental organizations, scientists, bird enthusiasts, consumers, and celebrities have …
