Abundance and stock composition of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) in lnglefield Bredning (NW Greenland)

作者: Erik W Born , Mads P Heide-Jørgensen , Finn Larsen , Anthony R Martin



摘要: The abundance of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) was estimated in Inglefield Bredning (NW Greenland) during the open-water season. Land-based observations were made in August 1985 and 1988 and aerial surveys using line-transect methodology were flown during late August 1985 and early August 1986. Group sizes based on both land-based and aerial surveys are given in relation to behavior and the age and sex composition of groups. The aerial surveys in 1986 indicated that adults comprised about 68%, non-adults (including neonates) 32%, and neonates about 15% of the population present in lnglefield Bredning. On 20 August 1985 a direct land-based count of 1548 whales was obtained in the eastern part of Inglefield Bredning. The aerial surveys in August 1985 resulted in estimates of between 847 (95% Cl 344-2085) and 1366 (95% Cl 854–2276), uncorrected to account for those out of sight underwater.
