Research strategies for the conservation and management of tropical Asian streams and rivers

作者: D Dudgeon



摘要: Anthropogenic modification of tropical Asian streams and rivers has led to despoliation and degradation of these ecosystems. This review advocates strategies by which ecological research and environmental-impact assessment in streams can be enhanced; particular attention is paid to study design and execution. Detection of anthropogenic impacts is discussed in the context of choice of biomonitors (benthic macroinvertebrates are emphasized), and the obstacles that sources of natural variability pose to the detection of environmental impacts. Well-founded predictions of ecological change and the effects of environmental impacts in tropical Asian streams and rivers depends upon a mechanistic understanding of the factors determining the structure and function of these ecosystems. Accordingly, the second part of this review concerns the design of process-orientated studies that could provide the information required to underpin effective stream conservation and management. The review concludes with a brief consideration of integrated approaches to stream and drainage-basin management, and a plea for scientists in tropical Asia to become more effective advocates of environmental protection in "real-world' situations. -from Author
