Dielectric properties of binary aqueous systems with sulfates, chlorides, and volatiles for subsurface radar sounding

作者: Olga Prieto-Ballesteros , Oscar Ercilla Herrero , Javier Sánchez Benítez , Victoria Muñoz-Iglesias , Alberto Rivera-Calzada



摘要: ESA and NASA will launch two missions to explore the main Galilean moons of Jupiter in the coming years, JUpiter ICy moons Explorer-JUICE and Europa Clipper, respectively. Both missions will be able to determine the distribution of the potential habitable zone in the upper dozens of kilometers of the ice bodies by using onboard radar instruments [Bruzzone et al. 2013, Grasset et al., 2013, Phillips and Pappalardo 2014, Aglyamov et al. 2017]. Considering the possible presence of mixtures of water with salts, volatiles, and clays in the ice and liquid layers, we performed laboratory experiments to obtain the electrical properties of these chemical systems at solid and liquid state, and at different pressure conditions (Table 1). The results that we present at the conference will facilitate the interpretation of the future data received from the radar sensors. We measured the dielectric properties of these samples with a …
