作者: A Díez Herrero , J de Pedraza Gilsanz
摘要: A hydrometeorologica/study offlood/dischages has been carried out in the E/Bugui/o subbasih (Alberche Kive; ajo Basin, Centra/Spain), using the Temez's modification of the ratioma/method and the Shermans unit-hydrograph method 7he maximum precjoitation data of 75 meteorologica/stations vereana/zed through statística/andrainfal-flow modes applingadditiona/technics such asgeographica/information systems (CS). The results show us that the curve number (CN) is the most important factor for defining the rainfal/stream model 7he SCS methodology to obtain it needs the application ofa regiona/multjolicative factorfom the empirica/ca/brating with results ofthe statistica/anahsis offlow dischages.