Uncharted territoriality in coproduction: The motivations for 311 reporting

作者: Daniel Tumminelli O’Brien , Dietmar Offenhuber , Jessica Baldwin-Philippi , Melissa Sands , Eric Gordon



摘要: A central question for programs that involve constituents in the coproduction of government services is: what motivates constituents to participate? This study compares two perspectives on this question: the traditional public-as-citizen model treats participation as a function of a general civic disposition that extends to many forms of civic and political participation (e.g. volunteering and voting); and we introduce the public-as-partner model, which argues that a given program might rely on any of the diverse array of human motivations, depending on the specific nature of participation required. We compare these using 311 systems, which provide a hotline and online tools for requesting nonemergency government services (e.g. graffiti removal), evaluating whether using 311 to contribute to neighborhood maintenance primarily reflects a civic disposition or is additionally motivated by a capacity for territoriality (i.e …
