作者: James R DeLisle , J Sa-Aadu , Richard B Andrewst , Austin Jaffe , Terry V Grissom
摘要: The real estate discipline is at a crossroads affecting both the industry and the academic spheres. In the industry, there is an attempt to make the transition back from asset-based demand analysis that created the current glut to spatial demand analysis that focuses on tenant needs. Recently, however, movements to prolong the asset-based side of the spectrum, reflected by securitization of the asset class and changes in ownership structure, have emerged. In the academic community, the discipline has continued to move from its urban land economics foundation toward a more contemporary financial analysis model. It is not clear how these issues will be resolved in the short term. However, in the long term, if the discipline is to survive, focus must be turned to the underlying fundamentals that determine the success or failure of participants who invest in the asset class. Dr. James A. Graaskamp was one of the leading proponents of the balanced industry and academic view of the world necessary to implement such a program.The purpose of this monograph is twofold: first, to recognize the contribution that Graaskamp made to the real estate discipline, both on the industry and academic side, and, second, to advance the discipline. Jim Graaskamp was a multidimensional man who built his reputation on ap-