作者: Ioannis T Farmakis , Stefanos Zafeiropoulos , Ioannis Doundoulakis , Andreas S Papazoglou , Efstratios Karagiannidis
摘要: 20.65 to 0.83) and not significantly fewer in without OMT-studies (IRR 0.80, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.10). However, the meta-regression analysis of the trials using OMT showed that the risk of cardiac death was not associated with the absolute difference of spontaneous MIs (p= 0.3)(Fig. 1 D), in contrast to the studies without OMT (p= 0.01). In summary, the principal findings of our analysis are that (i) there is significant effect of the time of publication of (not strictly selected) trials on the effect of revascularization added to OMT in SIHD on cardiac mortality, and (ii) there is no conclusive evidence of benefit of revascularization when homogeneous data are pooled from contemporary era trials. Our findings do not agree with results from a meta-regression analysis by using each trial’s publication year as a covariate to show the impact of chronological order to the effect measure [2]. We believe that a meta-analysis’ goal is to …