作者: V Sivakumar , A Srinivasulu , K Mallikarjuna Rao
摘要: The experiment confirmed that high altitudes of the Eastern Ghats in Andhra Pradesh are suitable for cultivation of broccoli during Rabi season. The analysis of variance revealed that presence of significant genetic variation among the 9 cultivars for all the characters studied. Moderate level of PCV and GCV were recorded for plant height, days taken to 50% head initiation, head weight, head diameter and yield per hectare. High heritability combined with high genetic advance was recorded for all the traits studied, except leaf length and width indicated that these characters are command by additive gene action. So, straight selection may be followed for the improvement of broccoli for these traits. Trait association of nine broccoli cultivars indicate that yield/hectare recorded the high positive association with head weight. The genotypes Palam Kanchan and Palam Samradhi were highly diverse genotypes. Hybridization between these two would give superior variants in segregating generations that would give better performance in this region.