作者: Olga Deda , Eleftherios Panteris , Efstratios Karagiannidis , Andreas Papazoglou , Georgios Sianos
摘要: By quantifying a wide range of small polar metabolites through advanced analytical techniques, metabolomics can shed light on several metabolic alterations in response to both normal and pathological conditions. Hence, metabolomics-based studies seem to hold the promise of precision and personalized medicine. The identification of specific cardiovascular disease targets could also help in evaluating the efficacy of nutritional interventions; adopting health-promoting dietary habits and lifestyle changes mightlower the risk of traditional and emerging cardiovascular risk factors 1. Within the context of the CorLipidstudy, various food intake patterns have been associated with different severity, progressionand prognosis of coronary artery disease as revealed through SYNTAX score evaluation, assessment of several cardiometabolic markers and 3-year patient follow-up 2. Specifically, vegetarian-based diet has …