Adapting the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System for Commercial Fishing Vessel Accidents

作者: Peter Zohorsky , Holly Handley



摘要: The commercial fishing industry is frequently described as one of the most hazardous occupations in the United States. The objective, to maximize the catch, is routinely challenged by a variety of elements due to the environment, the vessel, the crew, and how they interact with each other. This study developed and evaluated a version of Wiegmann and Shappell’s (2003) Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS), specifically for commercial fishing industry vessels (HFACS-FV), using data from ten years of fatal fishing vessel accidents. For this study, the accident investigation information was converted into the HFACS-FV format by independent raters and measured for inter-rater reliability. The results were analyzed for the frequency of the causal factors and their relationship with vessel demographic information.
