作者: A Tiesmeyer , K Steyer , A Kohnen , TE Reiners , T Molich
摘要: Genetic analyses are becoming increasingly important for the monitoring of rare and endangered wildlife species such as the European wildcat. During recent years, more than 11,000 samples were collected, mainly using the lure stick method, and were genetically analysed in the context of numerous projects. The genetic dataset is an important basis for research on wildcats concerning their distribution and conservation status. The presence of wildcat populations was detected in numerous regions in Germany, particularly across the Central German Uplands. In some regions, for instance in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, we found evidence of recent recolonisation and dispersal of wildcats. The separation of wildcats in a western and central German population is documented by a strong genetic differentiation and is most likely not due to recent anthropogenic habitat modifications but can probably be dated back to the last Pleistocene glacial period. Hybridisation with domestic cats, generally considered to be one of the major threats to wildcats, was only found in∼ 3% of the investigated samples. Cooperation among scientific institutions, NGOs and federal agencies played a decisive role in the generation of this unique genotype dataset, which will serve as a valuable data source for conservation efforts.