Studies on early podding varieties and post-harvest management of immature green grains of chickpea to be used as vegetable

作者: S Sandhu , SK Gupta , PM Gaur , AK Saxsena , S Sharma



摘要: The experiments were conducted on short-duration chickpea genotypes and post-harvest management of green grains for expanding the period of green grain availability in northern India. Two super-early chickpea breeding lines, ICCV 96029 and ICCV 96030, developed at ICRISAT were evaluated for green grain yield and other ancillary characters. Both lines were found early in flowering and podding and produced> 2.0 t ha-1 fresh green seed yield in 75 days after sowing when sown in first week of October. Though the early podding lines could make available green grains for a longer period, the acceptability of these lines was restricted due to their susceptibility to diseases and less-preferred pale yellowish grain color. Hence, efforts were made to improve these traits by crossing super-early lines with well adapted cultivars/elite lines. Over 260 progenies (F 4 to F 6) were evaluated along with checks ICCV …
