Potential of Photoelectric Stimulation with Ultrasmall Carbon Electrode on Neural Tissue: New Directions in Neuromodulation Technology Development

作者: Keying Chen , Bingchen Wu , Daniela Krahe , Alberto L Vazquez , James Siegenthaler



摘要: Objective Neuromodulation technologies have gained considerable attention for its clinical potential in treating neurological disorders and their capacity to advance cognition research. Nevertheless, traditional neuromodulation methods such as electrical stimulation and optogenetics manipulation currently experience technical and biological challenges that hinge their therapeutic potential and chronic research applications. Recently, a promising alternative neuromodulation approach based on the photoelectric effect has emerged. This approach is capable of generating electrical pulses when exposed to near-infrared (NIR) light and allows modulation of neuronal activity without the need for genetic alterations. In this study, we investigate a variety of design strategies aimed at enhancing photoelectric stimulation using minimally invasive, ultrasmall, untethered carbon electrodes. Approach A multiphoton laser was employed as the NIR light source. Benchtop investigations were conducted using a three-electrode setup, and chronopotentiometry was used to record photo-stimulated voltage. For in vivo evaluation, we used Thy1-GCaMP6s mice with acute implantation of ultrasmall carbon electrodes. Main results We revealed the beneficial effects of high duty-cycle laser scanning and photovoltaic polymer interfaces on the photo-stimulated voltages of ultrasmall carbon electrodes. Additionally, we demonstrated the promising potential of carbon-based diamond electrodes for photoelectric stimulation and examined the application of photoelectric stimulation in precise chemical delivery by loading mesoporous silica nanoparticles (SNPs) co-deposited …
