Ergebnisse des moderaten Pumptests in der Tiefbohrung Groß Schönebeck 3/90 im Sommer 2002 Results of moderate pumping tests in the deep well Groß Schönebeck 3/90 in summer 2002




摘要: The aim of the moderate pumping tests carried out in summer 2002 was the long-term production of formation fluids from 4200 m depth to achieve steady state conditions. This objective was achieved in one of the tests and hence led to a reliable estimation of the current hydraulic condition. This was especially relevant for the stimulation experiments in the volcanic rocks in winter 2002/2003. The tests served as an estimation of the hydraulic parameters, which had potentially changed due to the previous stimulations in january/february 2002. In comparison with the data before the stimulation experiments these long-term production tests can estimate the effectiveness of the sandstone stimulations. The assumption that the productivity index is higher at lower depessions (max. 8 MPa) compared to the lift tests with 100 MPa could not be verified. A reliable determination of transmissibility could be achieved from the analyses of the pressure build up curves. These are the first build up curves achieving a steady state condition, whereas the previous hydraulic tests reflect only the transient situation and hence are of limited use.
