作者: Stephanie S Romañach , Peter A Lindsey , Rosie Woodroffe
摘要: The act of killing predators over livestock predation has been the principal cause of declining predator populations throughout Africa. Finding solutions for the coexistence of people with predators in the Ewaso region is of great importance for the local tourism industry and for the persistence of Kenya's wildlife outside of protected areas. We report results of an assessment of attitudes toward predators by landholders and land users in the Ewaso region and their tolerance of livestock losses, relative to socioeconomic factors. Although prospects are good for predator conservation on largescale private ranches, the future of predators on communally owned properties remains uncertain. Prospects would be improved not only by finding solutions to reduce livestock depredation but also by ensuring that individuals tolerating losses from predators receive benefits from having predators on their land. Additionally, policy changes are needed to allow landholders to capitalize on benefits from wildlife, which would encourage their participation in wildlife conservation.