Late Miocene-Pliocene shortening, uplift and wrench tectonics dominated canyon development along the Mid-Hungarian Mobile Belt

作者: György Pogácsás , Györgyi Juhász , János Csizmeg , Árpád Dudás , A Milánkovich



摘要: The Pannonian Basin (Central Europe) is underlain by an orogenic collage which is built by several tectonostratigraphic terrains. The boundary of the two main terrains, the northwestern ALCAPA and the southeastern TISZA, is the Mid-Hungarian Mobile Belt (MHMB). It is the most significant neotectonic zone of the Pannonian Basin. Structural analysis was carried out on historical industry seismic sections across and along the Mid-Hungarian Mobile Belt, between the Danube and the Tisza rivers (Figure 1).The structural analysis focusing on the upper Miocene and younger sediments was supported by sequence stratigraphic analysis. Interpretation of seismic and well log data on workstation facilitated kinematic evaluation and mapping of late Miocene-Pliocene structural elements. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the connection between late Miocene-Quaternary tectonic evolution of MHMB and canyon incision on the southern margin of the MHMB.
