作者: Chinglin Chan , Alex E Carpenter , Milan Gembicky , Curtis E Moore , Arnold L Rheingold
摘要: Tetraisocyanide complex Co(CNArMes2)4 (ArMes2 = 2,6-(2,4,6-Me3C6H2)2C6H3) serves as a crystallographically characterized, thermally stable isocyano analogue of the reactive binary carbonyl Co(CO)4. The enhanced stability of Co(CNArMes2)4 allows for a systematic investigation of its reactivity profile in an operationally convenient manner, which is not possible for transient Co(CO)4. Zero-valent Co(CNArMes2)4 undergoes ligand exchange reactions with a variety of 2e– donor, L-type ligands, including triphenylphosphine, tert-butylethylene, and phenylacetylene. Kinetic studies of ligand substitution of Co(CNArMes2)4 with phenylacetylene using UV–vis spectroscopy indicates an associative reaction mechanism. This is consistent with the mechanisms proposed for other isolable 17e– transition-metal carbonyls but contrasts with studies proposing zero-valent CoL4 complexes to react via dissociative …