作者: Johnson Thomas , Yulia Epshtein , Arun Chopra , Balazs Ordog , Mahmood Ghassemi
摘要: Anthrax lethal toxin (LeTx) is a virulence factor of Bacilillus anthracis that is a bivalent toxin, containing lethal factor (LF) and protective Ag proteins, which causes cytotoxicity and altered macrophage function. LeTx exposure results in early K+ efflux from macrophages associated with caspase-1 activation and increased IL-1b release. The mechanism of this toxin-induced K+ efflux is unknown. The goals of the current study were to determine whether LeTx-induced K+ efflux from macrophages is mediated by toxin effects on specific K+ channels and whether altered K+-channel activity is involved in LeTx-induced IL-1b release. Exposure of macrophages to LeTx induced a significant increase in the activities of two types of K+ channels that have been identified in mouse macrophages: Ba2+-sensitive inwardly rectifying K+(Kir) channels and 4-aminopyridine–sensitive outwardly rectifying voltage-gated K+(Kv) channels. LeTx enhancement of both Kir and Kv required the proteolytic activity of LF, because exposure of macrophages to a mutant LF-protein (LFE687C) combined with protective Ag protein had no effect on the currents. Furthermore, blocking Kir and Kv channels significantly decreased LeTx-induced release of IL-1b. In addition, retroviral transduction of macrophages with wild-type Kir enhanced LeTx-induced release of IL-1b, whereas transduction of dominant-negative Kir blocked LeTx-induced release of IL-1b. Activation of caspase-1 was not required for LeTx-induced activation of either of the K+ channels. These data indicate that a major mechanism through which LeTx stimulates macrophages to release IL-1b involves an LF-protease …