作者: Vincent Niggel , Maximilian R Bailey , Carolina van Baalen , Nino Zosso , Lucio Isa
摘要: Tracking the three-dimensional rotation of colloidal particles is essential to elucidate many open questions, e.g. concerning the contact interactions between particles under flow, or the way in which obstacles and neighboring particles affect self-propulsion in active suspensions. In order to achieve rotational tracking, optically anisotropic particles are required. We synthesise here rough spherical colloids that present randomly distributed fluorescent asperities and track their motion under different experimental conditions. Specifically, we propose a new algorithm based on a 3-D rotation registration, which enables us to track the 3-D rotation of our rough colloids at short time-scales, using time series of 2-D images acquired at high frame rates with a conventional wide-field microscope. The method is based on the image correlation between a reference image and rotated 3-D prospective images to identify the most …